
Get to the point fast

From the makers of the world's highest rated acupressure mat, the Shakti Shala app will help you unlock all the Shakti secrets and build a lasting wellbeing habit in minutes.

Free download on desktop and mobile. No hidden costs. No ads. Get started today:

Apple | Google Play | Browser


What to expect:

  • Easy-to-follow yoga and meditation classes
  • More relief and relaxation than you would find on your own
  • Infuse yoga, meditation and breathwork for a deeper Shakti sensation
  • Tap into the mindset of getting comfortable with the uncomfortable
Love it!

“I’ve been Shakti-ing for 3 years and would be a sleep deprived zombie without it. I wasn’t expecting to learn so much from the app!”

Ally Boone

Verified customer

I want more

"I love the meditations. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because I want MORE! 8 just isn't quite enough.I would pay for premium content."

Kay N

Verified customer

An education

"Perfect to work on breathing through the discomfort and learning how to focus."

Amelia Ngoy

Verified customer